Looking for some effective marketing inspiration? We’ve pulled together some great articles for you. Take a look, hopefully there will be one or two you can action to help accelerate your business. If you see anything that you’d like to discuss further, give us a shout on 02392 007 823 or hello@lovedadesign.com. We’d be happy to help.
The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Analytics: Metrics, Insights, Tools, and Tips
Instagram analytics are a key part of any Instagram marketing strategy.
Without analytics, your Instagram marketing efforts can be a little hit-and-miss.
How do you know if your Instagram marketing strategy is going well? How do you track your Instagram performance and improve your content?
Analytics are often essential for answering your questions.
How to Align Content Marketing with the Buyer’s Journey
Online search has changed the game.
You can no longer acquire new clients by simply reassuring that your product is the best on the market. These days, if a modern consumer needs to decide whether or not your product meets their needs, they can find everything they want to know online, including characteristics, reviews, ratings, prices, and competing products.
Facebook’s CEO gave a public address yesterday in Silicon Valley, laying out the company’s grand plan for the next year. And in it, Mark Zuckerberg provided dazzling details about how Facebook will use cameras – like the ones on our phones – to draw us deeper into digital life; and zero details about how Facebook will address growing safety concerns online.
From its inception in the early 2000s to now, the popularity of targeted pay per click (PPC) advertising has grown dramatically. Due to this popularity and success, many businesses not currently using the system are considering making the move. However, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of PPC — and how to create the ideal environment for a successful PPC campaign — before jumping on the bandwagon. When deciding whether or not to involve PPC in your marketing strategy, you must first thoroughly examine your existing business and marketing practices to maximize PPC’s potential.
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